Addresses FAQs

Who do I contact with mailing list questions?

Do I need to include first names for everyone on the list?
Yes. We have over 300,000 people in our system. To make sure we do not have duplicate donors, we require both first and last names.

Do I need to include a mailing address if the donor only wants to receive emails?
Yes. We need mailing addresses to send donation receipts. However, if you don't have the full address, at a minimum, we require the city and state. This helps us differentiate between donors with the same name. As an example, we have over 50 David Johnson's in our system. WIth an address, we will be able to differentiate between David Johnson from St. Louis, MO and David Johnson from Milwaukee, WI. 

How should I communicate multiple changes to my existing YFC mailing list?
A donor list should always be evolving and changing. You should never expect your circle of influence to stop growing. There are two methods to make adjustments to a donor list. 

  1. For less than 5 changes, email with the changes you would like to make. Be clear whether you would like to add, update, or remove a contact.
  2. For more than 5 new contacts, use the Excel mailing list spreadsheet. To make multiple changes to your current database, ask us for a copy of your list and change the spreadsheet using the following criteria: 
  • To Add: Highlight the entire row in green if it is an addition to your list. 
  • To Update: Highlight the cell in yellow that you made changes to.
  • To Remove: Highlight the entire row in red if you want to completely remove them from your list. We will remove them completely from your mail stream: both snail mail and email. They will stay in our system, but they will no longer receive any mailings from your circle of influence.

How do I move someone from the mailing list to an email list?
Sending an email is a great way to keep in touch with donors.

For less than five additions, email with the name, snail mail address, and email address. We weill opt them in with this information.

Or on the spreadsheet: Fill out column U with “yes” to opt in to email. Also make sure a valid address is in column E and/or column L.

How will my donors be addressed?
We use the following standard greetings. 

Outside of Mailings Format - Salutation* First Name Last Name
Mr. and Mrs. John Smith
Ms. Susie Smith

Inside of Letters Format - First Name or Nickname
John & Betty

*Salutations include: Pastor, Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr. and standard military ranks.
Unfortunately, we cannot use greetings outside of the above format. Greetings have to be professional and standard names, as some of the communications are for receipts, tax documents, and general mailings. For example, we don't want receipts issued to "Mom and Dad" and signed by the President of YFC.