
Questions about your mailing list? Need to submit mailing list changes?

  • Check out our FAQ page.
  • Email with any additional questions. 

Need to create your first mailing list?

Important Points for Filling Out the Spreadsheet

  1. There are three tabs on the bottom left of the spreadsheet. Please read and reference the first tab titled "instructions" to fill it out properly. The second tab is "contacts" for all donors, and the third tab is "organizations" for all churches/businesses/foundations, etc. that you want to be brought into the mission of YFC.
  2. Each row is considered a household. Please put the husband as contact 1 and the wife as contact 2. If it is a non-married woman, put her in contact 1. We will not import a contact without a first and last name. 
  3. Fill out column U: "Email Opt-in (yes/no)". If it is "yes" they will get emails and "no" will receive snail mail. It is strongly recommended to have as many donors as possible opt-in to email. It is simpler and saves on mailing costs. But even if they opt-in, their home address is still needed for receipting and tax purposes. 
  4. There are a lot of cells in the spreadsheet. The more details that are included, the better off the donor list will be. With that being said, not every cell will be filled.
  5. Take your time, pray about who you think would benefit from hearing about our work. Think about who will truly want to partner with us in prayer, volunteering their time, or giving their resources.